Daycare Remodeling
Implementing a Finnish model for Early Childhood Development Keeping in consideration the UN SDG #5 of Gender Equality, we joined hands with Ubuntu Care, experts in daycare services centered on the Finnish Model of Early Childhood Development (ECD). This helped us understand the interconnectedness of Emotional, Physical, Mental, Cognitive and Psychosocial elements that shape a child’s personality and make certain that the Daycare had requisites which catered to such needs. The Daycare went through an intense overhaul which encompassed, but was not limited to, an outdoor play area to cater to child growth.
As National Foods believes in interconnectedness in the corporate sector, it was decided that the Daycare would not be limited to our employees but would also be accessible to the employees working in different corporations. Through this remodeling, National Foods advanced towards its aim to be one of the best places to work at!